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Thousand Oaks Ranch - 225 Acres
225 acres near Liberty Hill. This ranch has excellent cover including a variety of oaks and other hardwoods. Additionally, several grazing fields provide just the right mixture of cover and open land for an ideal wildlife habitat. Four ponds provide ample water. The property has been under wildlife management for many years producing an excellent stock of whitetail deer, axis deer and turkey. Located in a high growth area, the property is only 5 miles from Hwy. 29 and 43 miles to downtown Austin.
Price: $20,000 per acre
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New Listing! 200 Acres - Mason County
200 acres loaded with Post Oak and mature Mesquites. This ranch has a beautiful 3,217 square foot Austin Stone home built in 2003. Lots of added touches to make this home spectacular.
Price: $2,700,000
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59 Acres - FM 2657
59 acres with 1,173 feet on the constant flowing, clear, rock bottomed Lampasas River in Burnet County. A 1,192 sq. ft."fixer upper" house and water well are on the property. Located on FM 2657 about 25 minutes north of Liberty Hill.
Price: $1,850,000
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49 Acres - Burnet County Road 200
49 acres located north of Bertram on Burnet County Road 200. This ranch has excellent cover, including a variety of oak and assorted hardwoods. The rolling landscape features a pond that still had water in late August, supplying water to cattle and the abundant game. Secluded, yet convenient, the property is 10 minutes to Bertram, 30 minutes to Leander and one hour to downtown Austin.
Price: $856,000
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40 Acres - Burnet
Located in the city of Burnet surrounded by a new proposed DR Horton subdivision known as Creekfall. The property can be multi family, single family or both. The Creekfall subdivision is scheduled to break ground in October of 2021. A street that intersects the main Creekfall subdivision artery connecting Highway 29 to Westfall Street will provide access to the 40 acres. Utilities are to extend through the Creekfall subdivision and will be stubbed out to the 40 acres. Rare offering for prime development property with favorable zoning.
Price: $4,000,000
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35 Acres - Lampasas River
35 acres on the constant flowing, clear, rock bottomed Lampasas River in Burnet County. Heavily wooded with lots of oak, elm and assorted hardwoods along the river bottom. A 1,192 sq. ft. "fixxer upper" house and water well are on the property.
Price: $1,085,000
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